Couch with throw pillows, throw blanket, side table, lit candle, and plant.

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The couch is one of the most important components of your living space. It’s where you go to relax after a long day’s work, where you gather with family and friends after a delicious meal, and where you will nurse your children back to health when they stay home sick. When it comes time to choose your new couch, how do you decide which is right for your family’s needs? We believe that upholstery fabrics should play a huge role in your decision.  In this blog, we will cover couch fabrics and styles, and which living situations they are best for. 

Couch Fabric Types

Close up of a light gray couch with a white and black pillow and sitting next to a dark brown end table with a large white lamp.

Below are a few of our favorite couch fabric types that cover various homeowner needs. We chose to narrow it down to our favorites, but there are dozens of options out there for you to choose from. 


Cotton is one of the most popular couch fabrics because of its comfort and affordability. Cotton provides a soft feel while also being resistant to fading. The downside of cotton is that it stains easily, so if you have small children or are looking for stain-resistant fabrics it may not be for you. 


Rayon is a semi-synthetic fiber that offers comfort and affordability. This is an extremely popular option because of the price and comfort, but it does lack durability. It is prone to scratching and loses its original appearance quicker than most other options. For those looking for a stylish couch in a low-traffic area, this can be a great option but should be avoided in high-traffic areas. 


Polyester is a synthetic microfiber known for its durability and comfort. Polyester is stain and abrasion-resistant and dries very quickly in the event of a spill. Since this is a synthetic material there are tons of color options to choose from, allowing you to get creative with your new couch. Polyester can crack if exposed to extreme temperatures, and it does have a tendency to stretch over long periods of time. 


Leather is one of the most durable fabric options available and brings a high-end look to your living room. Leather is one of the best fabric types for dogs because of its durability, and pet hair is easy to vacuum out. Leather couches do tend to be expensive, but the longevity may make it worth the investment. It is also important to note that faux leather is not nearly as durable as the real deal, and can leave many homeowners disappointed with the longevity of their couches. 

Couch Fabric Styles

Living room with a hardwood coffee table, an off-white and dark brown sofa, a beige floor lamp, and an indoor cactus plant.

Once you’ve chosen your fabric, it’s time to match color and style with the rest of your living room’s interior design. If you’re looking for living room design ideas, check out a recent blog we wrote about enhancing your living room space.

The first question you should ask yourself when choosing the color of your sofa is what role will it play in your space? A sofa typically plays one of two roles in the living room: the focal point or the supporting role.

The Sofa as a Focal Point

If you plan on your sofa being the focal point of your living space you have lots of room to be creative. Couches with vibrant colors are currently trending, and accenting them with creative throw pillows adds a style pop to any space. Focal point couches are eye-catching, bright, and daring.

The Sofa in a Supporting Role

If your living room interior design is already fleshed out, your sofa may play a supporting role. In this case, you have to be strategic about the color and design of your sofa. A popular choice is to choose an upholstery that is the same color as your walls to make the room appear larger. Another option is to choose upholstery colors and designs that blend in with the rest of your decor but don’t necessarily match the wall color exactly. For both of these options, we recommend neutral colors like grey, beige, cream, brown, or black. 

At King’s Impressions, our lines of upholstered furniture are built to bring families together and fit into any living space. If you have any other questions about fabric styles or colors our staff would love to work with you. Contact us today!